Cruise with Radio Gdańsk on the Żuławy Loop

Cruise with Radio Gdańsk on the Żuławy Loop

This season, together with the company Pętla Żuławska and Radio Gdańsk on May 26 - June 2, 2018, we are organizing a cruise along the Żuławy Loop.
The theme of this year's cruise are hydrotechnical objects in Żuławy Wiślane and bicycle routes near this beautiful waterway.
This year's cruise on the Żuławy Loop will take place on the Suncamper 30 unit. Journalists will visit Nowy Dwór, Elbląg, Malbork, and Biała Góra.
As every year, for the Gdańsk Radio aficionados, a contest will be organized on the knowledge about the Żuławy Loop, the main prize in the competition will be a weekly charter of the motor yacht type Weekend 820 on the Żuławy Loop.
All of you are cordially invited to listen to radio broadcasts broadcast from resju, you will be able to win an attractive prize!

Cruise with Radio Gdańsk on the Żuławy Loop » Gallery