Caluny Ramp

Zulawy Loop and the Elblag Canal » Caluny Ramp

The slope of the Shroud is the fifth (last) incline from the side of Pojezierze Iławskie (Miłomłyn or the first one counting from Elbląg). It is located at 46 + 300 - 45 + 800 km. The Elbląg Canal.
The slope of the Shroud is a slower of all slipways included in the Elbląg Canal. Originally, instead of a slipway, five wooden locks were built on the section from Lake Drużno to the town of Jelenie. After the completion of the remaining four slipways, this section was the bottleneck of the entire Elbląg Canal route. The big problem was supplying water in quantities necessary to lock vessels. So we started to think about the concept of this episode - it was decided to replace the sluice section with the fifth incline. The first project was created in 1864, the ramp was commissioned only in 1883.
On the slipway of the Shroud, another propulsion mechanism was used - instead of a water wheel, a modern water turbine was used - a Francise turbine with a vertical shaft. The change of drive concept was probably one of the reasons that delayed the construction of the slipway.
In order not to block the route of the Elbląg Canal, the section of the Shroud's slipway was parallel to the canal with five locks.
Basic parameters of the Shroud's slipway:
Difference in levels: 13.83 meters.
Track length: 352 m
Max. ship's length: 27 m
Max. width of the ship at the bottom: 2.6 m
Max. width of the ship: 3.35 m

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